This is a set of three cups, saucers, and spoons from “Fantasia,” a limited edition collaboration between FRANZ and Disney.
It is wonderfully made as if a scene from “Fantasia” was recreated with the three-dimensional modeling beauty of FRANZ, which inherits 1,000 years of Chinese porcelain history.
This piece was kept in its original box at the time and is in perfect condition.
It is rare to find one in this condition.
I believe that the value will continue to increase in the future, as the same ones will never be made again.
I am selling this item in the hope that it will be sold to a “Fantasia” lover.
完品FRANZ フランツ ディズニーコラボファンタジアC|S
完品FRANZ フランツ ディズニーコラボファンタジアC|S
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完品FRANZ フランツ ディズニーコラボファンタジアC|S